Day 38 (7/9): Garden City, KS; 105 Miles
So according to the Colorado boys we left CO back in Colorado Springs (eastern Colorado IS rather different)….but today was our OFFICIAL crossover into Kansas. Turns out the first sizeable city in Kansas isn’t till about 75 miles past the border….and seeing how we were 30 miles from the border in Colorado…BAM…you get a century ride and change…woohoo! But this set the stage for one of the most epic Journey of Hope battles ever: the ride along challenge between Rodney and Farley (recall, Rodney had completed (barely) the 65 mile day into La Junta). The bet: if Farley doesn’t make 65 he buys Rodney a steak dinner…if Farley makes over 65 but doesn’t finish call it even…if Farley makes the whole 105 miles Rodney buys him a steak dinner. Guess you could say the “steaks” were high bwa ha ha ha.
Woke up bright and early at 5 am to some crew chief eats before hittin the road. I started out in the back pack with Small, Jay, and Grant - the state line crew (we’ve been getting pics together at every state line).
Cruised the first 30 out of Colorado no sweat…took a nice pick at the Kansas sign and Jay showed his affection for the state in his own way. From there the Kansas roads are pretty sweet: nice wide shoulders which let us ride double-wide and chat the whole time. So about the next 50 miles or so were fun times with the guys…sneakin up on other pacelines shark style…chattin about life…all good things. We caught up to the next group with Farley (who was pretty hurtin at this point) and rode together for a good while…ole’ philly boy is a diehard trooper. Around mile 80 we stopped for some lunch at which point Farley was making moves to call it quits. So I started ridin with Brent the rest of the way into town. Turns out Grant wouldn’t let Farley quit and the back few guys motivated him the rest of the way. At the finish at the Marriot in town we all cheered as Farley (who hadn’t ever ridden a rode bike) trudginly rolled in…what an incredible accomplishment! And Rodney owes him a steak!
It was past 5 pm at this point (due in small part to the crossing into Central time at the border…obscure quote that comes to mind: “Jack…Kyle…it’s Michael Keaton…the space time continuum is all f’ed up!!” …I know only one person who might laugh at this). So we all quickly got cleaned up to head to dinner.
A couple of local Pi Kapps sponsored us at the Golden Corral…which is just about the biggest all-you-can-eat buffet you can imagine. Gorged ourselves on EVERYTHING…steak, veggies, pizza, pasta, salad, chicken, etc. etc. etc. Absurd amount of food. It was pretty funny watchin Farley pretty much sit there and zone out….just totally wasted tired from the ride.
Had the night free after dinner…but most of us pretty much are just going to bed…loooooong day on the bike!
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