Despite a devilish headwind we were cruising at about 20 mph most of the day. Took some sweet “children of the corn” pics on the side of the road…but the truly memorable part of the day was passing through Greensburg…which had just been recently hit hard by a tornado. Our paceline fell silent as we rolled through….there was little left of the small town…most activity was around some FEMA tents set up to provide aid. The image that struck my most was what had been a gas station was now simply the metal barriers that sit next to the pumps…the rest had been completely wiped out. Just unreal.

Our dinner visit was awesome…and quite unique. A local archery club had us out to their range for some steaks and some bow shootin. Got to take some shots at fake-animal targets with a long bow and didn’t do half bad! Bob was showin me the ropes and telling me about their setup here in Pratt…pretty much like a small fraternity of older guys who come out to the lodge to shoot or just hang out on a pretty regular basis. Nice group of folks!

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