Day 60 (7/31): Morehead, KY; 80 Miles
Wake up was admittedly a bit rougher today than yesterday…but on the bright side we were treated to a hot breakfast by the Domek family, whose son Mike rode TransAm last year. Racked the first 25 miles or so this time for time constraint reasons (lots going on today) then finally got on the bikes…I ended up sweeping because Brendle had some bike trouble and needed to rack up. So Brent and I pulled up the rear for the day, which was kinda nice just riding in a pair. Hit more great scenery and more great hills as we went…including some pretty windy downhills. Josh didn’t fare too well on one of these and had a little run in with the guard rail…thankfully came out in pretty good shape: couple scrapes and a bruised thumb…but man this is like his fourth spill of the week, poor guy…Ezra took him up to the hospital just in case as we finished the ride.
Wes Cook actually crewed along in his truck with some Gatorades and candybars along the way which rocked. Before long we were pulling into Morehead…stopping first at a small church parking lot to eat some lunch provided by some of the Morehead Pi Kapps.
At 1 we did our first arrival at Buffalo Wild Wings (who will be sponsoring us for dinner tomorrow)…much like the Saturn in St. Louis we had a rather sparse crowd…but the point was to really just take a picture out front. Best part was seein Scootch in the crowd, who was on my Gear Up team last year….hilarious guy…just finished up his certification to do massage!
Arrival number 2 was at a bell tower on the Morehead campus…again to a modest crowd but cool nonetheless. We’re actually staying on campus, so we rode over to the “Alumni Hall” dorms and checked in. Pretty nice digs, always a treat to have a bed! Had some downtime before dinner so I think pretty much everyone took a much needed nap.
Around 6 we all got up to head over to a local park to hang out with folks from Horizon Village, an organization that the Morehead boys do events with every Thursday during the schoolyear…sounds like an awesome relationship. Enjoyed some spaghetti with Mindy, who wasn’t quite so talkative, and Debbie and Ethel, who were quite talkative. A bunch of the guys played some softball afterward while I did a small interview for a local newspaper…interesting dude but he actually had insightful questions: probing the idea that fraternity actually increased the desire and opportunity to do service for our team members.
So it turned out that there really wasn’t quite enough spaghetti to feed everyone, so we stopped off at McDonald’s for a little more food action…$5 limit goes a long way when double cheeseburgers are only a buck!
When we got back from dinner we were greeted by the one, the only, THE Bruce Pommier…a Pi Alpha from Morehead that had ridden GUF with me the past two years. Bruce likes to have a good time and brought that spirit to the GUF teams both years, so we like to joke on him a bit for it…Steve pumped him up so much that all the guys on our team (who had never met Bruce) were going up to him saying: “oh my God…THE Bruce Pommier?? Can I get a picture??” Pretty funny…Bruce rolled with it. A bunch of us went out to a local bar called the Front Porch…which had a great outdoor area with cornhole and plenty of pitchers. Had a blast catchin up with Bruce, Wes, and Scootch.
Got back to lodging around 1 to hit the hay…don’t have to wake up till 9:50 tomorrow!
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