Day 56 (7/27): Indianapolis, IN; Day Off
Kinda nice waking up on your own once in a while…I slept like a rock last night (didn’t notice at all when the rather rowdy crowd that went out rolled in late). Roused at about 7:00 am which was perfect because a group of us were heading over to a local news station for a morning spot (Channel 59…FOX baby!). Jake, Pops, Nick, Snyder, Ezra and I were chosen by our PR coordinator Rodney for the show…so we roll up to the station (which also houses the local CW channel!! Sidenote: Smallville is the greatest show ever) Just had to take some pics by the wall of tv show characters. The rather highly attractive Heather was the producer and came out to greet ready with the cameraman Reggie before Gene the well face-powdered reporter arrived. It was a quick spot for the morning news…Snyder and Pops were selected to do the talking…Jake and I held the map wooo!
After the quick spot we rolled back to lodging (with a stop at Starbucks) for breakfast…again sponsored by Dave and Tammy Shanklin…delicious pastries and juice, good stuff! Had some downtime after breakfast so most everyone went back to bed.
For lunch we had a friendship visit with an organization called “Noble of Indiana” …awesome place with tons of day programs…and boy did they do it up for us! After some delicious burgers and meatballs we were split up into groups to bounce around a bunch of different activity rooms. Todd and I hung out with Molly…the daughter of the organization’s founder who appeared to have mild down syndrome…such a total sweetheart! Started with some Yahtzee in the gaming room, then a little dancing and cornhole in the gym, topped off by some painting in the art room…just a blast. The visit ended with a presentation by Mike, the CEO of Noble…and of course a group pic!
Most guys napped it up again between the visit and dinner…I worked on a little correspondence. Around 5 we packed in the vans to head to Mary Anne Kelley’s house over in the nearby town of Brownsburg. Mary Anne is actually David Shanklin’s mother…and was nice as can be to have us in her home. We got to watch some t.v. (Home Improvement and Seinfeld…old favorites!) and munch on some tacos…truly the little things ya miss!
Got back around 8ish from dinner and had a quick team meeting…and welcomed the return of Chadd “Double D” Cockrell from his trip back home. Still hasn’t quite set in that we are in the home stretch as Steve went over the next few days through Ohio and Kentucky.
After the meeting I rolled with Britton and Chadd to walmart for some essentials…and now its time to hit the hay…back on the bike tomorrow! Hope the sweet new orange tires work out!
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